If you have a interest and a taste to build a perspective international company so please contact us regardless of the display searched positions.
Now we are looking for eg.:
Trader with construction materials, product manager.
Requirements: attention to detail, empathy, psychology to customers, professional thinking, Excel, Word, Internet access, accountability, flexibility.
Job description: communication with customers, complete business agenda, forming prices, development new products.
Perhaps the student brigade with the transition to permanent employment.
Contact: see corporate contacts
Programmer ASP.NET in folowing areas:
Job description: internal development and development of information systems for our company (retail, wholesale, international trade, telecommunications, investment etc.).
Intranet applications for managing business processes (ERP, business process management, workflow).
Platform Microsoft. NET (ASP.NET MVC 2), MS SQL Server 2008 R2, NHibernate for. NET
Development: C #,. NET, ASP.NET, XML, HTML, CSS, Ajax …..
The integration of Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Microsoft CRM, Office 2010 and information systems.
Requirements: experience with programming C#.NET and knowledge with Microsoft Technologies
-practice with MS Visual Studio .NET, MS SQL Server 2005/2008…SharePoint
-ability relational database MS SQL,
-knowledge HTML a XML, ASP, Web Services
-good algorithmic and conceptual thinking
-team player
-ability to learn new Technologies
Contact: see corporate contacts